Small Bites
Directed by Andy WongCast: Andy Wong, Lissa Neptuno, Luke Sykes, Mike Li
- program-12
- Canada
- Drama
- English
- 2020
- 5 mins
When friends Annie, Robbie, Jason, and Dave meet up for a hike, Dave asks Annie questions that are micro-aggressive in nature. Climbing this mountain trail Annie is continually bitten by mosquitoes when Dave asks her seemingly harmless questions about her race and ethnicity. As the trail progresses, Jason and Annie’s friendship comes into question when Dave goes too far and pushes Annie to challenge him. Left with an ally in Robbie, who has been considerably bitten as well, Annie is forced to reconsider her position in this group, and in the world.
MAMM15 Winners
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Plays in
Canadian Shorts Series – MAMM Winners
Watch the Live Filmmakers Talk on November 8, 2020 4 pm (PST) at VAFFVancouver YouTube If you like…