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Volunteer Code of Conduct

CODE OF CONDUCT for Volunteering

1. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older to volunteer for Vancouver Asian Film Festival

2. Volunteers will complete and submit online Volunteer Application forms

3. Volunteers should become familiar with duties, box office procedures, program guides, and other Festival details

4. Volunteers will adhere to their assigned schedule by arriving on time and completing the shifts. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator as soon as possible if you will be late or unable to make a shift so we can make alternate arrangement. Missing more than two shifts without a notice will result in the volunteer privileges being revoked

5. Volunteers will sign in and receive the volunteer badges from Volunteer Coordinators or VAFF executives, and sign out by returning them at the end of their shifts

6. Volunteers will be courteous and respectful of theatre patrons, Festival staff, delegates and other volunteers at all times.

7. Volunteers will not use volunteer experience as an opportunity to pitch screenplay or script to filmmakers or industry delegates while on duty.

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